ahlan wasala...
wah2...sungguh ku x sgka lh..dpt UM??...hahaha...igt mimpi td..rupe nyer tgh sedar..plik gk lh..iv dlu uat cm hampeh je...tp tu lh, dh ALLAH nk bg kn..bersyukur je lh..arap2 enjoy lh dpt study kt sana..so sapa2 yg dpt UM..jumpe kt sana lh.nnti tgor2 lh aq nie..haha..sok lpas 12 tgh hari bru bolh print surt twaran,surat tu..dll..haha..bnyk gk lh kne print nie..abih lh ink kak aq..hoho..pastu nk mintk scholar dr yayasan perak..tndatgn pengetua lg...bnyk bnde nk uat..dgr citer kne uat medical check up???btol ke nnthlh..nk shoping lg...mlas btol..x suke lh nk shoping2 nie..rambang mata kot..cm ne lh kaum hawa nie bolh minat bnde2 cm tu..klo bab2 mask x mint plak...adoi2..mohon terasa erk..haha..kak ngah aq dgr citer nk smbung bljar kt UM..ambik phd katanyer..wah..bolehlah pow nnti..hahaha..arap2 dia dpt lh kt UM tu...my future plan x beberapa nk sure..mybe doctor..mybe biotech..mybe pharmasi..mybe n mybe..huahuahua..btol kata mak aq nie..aq nie x tetap pndirian..hah..aq x kisah..tu je..jg engineer pon bolh...cm plajr serba bidang la plak..so..aq bersyukur gler..thnks ALLAH..i love u...bye
what im thinking =D
Friday, 17 May 2013
Thursday, 16 May 2013
intro myself..
First thing...i wnt to say assalamualaikum to all...
okye..nie blog aq yg !st..ttibe je nk create blog lpas usha org lain uat..b4 this..kwn aq ad lh ckp..klo nk uat blog nie...ayat kne lh gempak2...gaya budk uni..haha..lupakn lh better show yourself...jgn nk cover sgt lh..nnty sshkn diri je..ari nie reslt upu kluar...wahwahwah..awl lh plak..jgn kne troll sudah..aply all biology subject in uia and um..actly x mint sgt pon bio nie...biase2 je..but..dr fizik..better bio, x pning sgt..lgpon pluang krja doktor nie tinggi...skrg nie mlysia kkurgn doktor...jgn risau..in sya allah aq bolh kot..pasl upu td..klo x dpt um nk msok je matrik..klo uia kn kne ambik test arab..so tempoh asasi tu depend kt test tu...aq pon dh lupe lh syhall..almost 2 yrs aq tingglkn...exam arab dlu2 tu pon dpt lulus je..segan pon ad..haha..korg nk tau x?aq nie mint gk lh bab2 masak nie...klo nk ikotkn hati nie..nk je pilih course culinary kt uitm tu...tp cm sia2 je aq bljr sains kt skolh..haa..xpe lh...msk kek,biskut,desert,fried rice..bolh lh..bkn ssh pon..ikot je resepi..pastu klo x best..cuba lh lg..try ubah sket resepi tu..kreatif lh sket..pastu aq mint orchestra...dlu main clarinet..skrg mint main oboe..dlu ad lh try nk main..perghh..ssh gler nk tiup..skrg nk try lg..tp dh kluar skolh x de lh instrument tu..nk bli mhal gler...aq nie pon x brduit lg..ap yg best alat tu...bnyk solo n bunyi unik n lain dr yg lain...haha..nnti ad rezeki aq bli lh kot..n nk surh bdk klantan tu ajar aq #arap terasa...haha..skrg nk bljr mandrin sket2..sje lh tmbah ilmu..
ni hao = hello
ni hao ma? = ap khbar?
hen hao. xie xie ni = sihat.trima kasih
nin jiao shen me ming zi? = ap nama ko?
wo jiau..... = nama sya... #napi
hui tou jian = jumpa lg
zai jian = bye2
haa..tu je lh yg aq dpt bljr sket2..download je dr play store...learn mandrine free...nice aplication u now..bhasa korea pon ad gk..tulisn korea senang sbnyk dr mandrin punyer...annyeonghaseyo!!..haha..tu je lh yg tau...ad lh sket2 lg...x baik show off kn..hihik..so thnks for usha2 blog yg x seberapa nie..ad masa lg aq post crita2 yg best atau resepi2 yg best..hoho.. [hui tou jian...zai jian] =D
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